I assume by multitasking you mean studying or writing, so why not watch something that's actually good? I mean, there's Community, Human...
Camo gets things DONE! I have no idea how...
The anger of a person who is strong, can always bide its time.
Hey Camo.
You're allowed to receive more than one, you just can't give more than one. That's what makes it super special romantic. [IMG] EMP Bros.
Wait-.. it wasn't for me?
Blood Plus was good. It could have done without the romance though.
This is pretty awkward, seeing as it was meant for me.
Just playing, ha hA!
Cowboy Bebop is awesome, Never heard of Samurai Champloo, but judging by the trailer I probably wouldn't like it. It's hard to explain why....
I've seen a few episodes of Ghost in the Shell and liked them. What else is good?
I swear, I made that exact same lamp post design on Mining Bros. What texture pack? Ladders look cool.
I don't listen to TalkRadar. Why do you ask?
Sure you can't do the thread? I'm afraid i'll screw it up, and everyone likes your illustrations and drawings.
Just gotta get out, just gotta get right-out-of-here.
I would feel terrible if I made you blue.
It's a little vague. He could be talking about anyone. Adelyss Black Theorem SargeantSarcasm Transactionzero Spoiler alert. Actually......
Maybe it's because I'm trying to understand what Neon Genesis Evangelion is about at the same time, but none of what any of you are saying makes...
Our love is indestructible, at the base of everything, and surrounded by diamonds.
Our love is like bedrock.