Is it?
Tangled Team America World Police Crazy Heart Fight Club If you're bored I suggest you watch these. Tangled especially. Every single...
Ipod? I have a computer and some crappy headphones that make my ears hurt so much I could swear they must be bleeding, but then I take them off...
Ignorant to what? How much "better" live music is? Hardly.
Which is important, because science hasn't discovered a way of storing music in a permanent and widely available medium yet. YouTube -...
No Eminem or Boy George.
Hey Camo, hey Tusk.
So what's a good film (That I haven't seen)?
Boredom is back.
I wish I wasn't waking up at 8 pm. I never anyone any more.
Food is #1 on the list of things a species needs to survive. There really is nothing more essential to a species' propagation than an evolutionary...
What's so important about food anyway?
Why'd you leave Miney bros?
You assume humans are still in control, and not an overarching Artificial Intelligence that has dominated humanity. We're a transitional species...
You're grandkids will be so proud.
I wish I could write the word chameleon without thinking of that homosexual Boy George song. He ruined one of the coolest animals.
Did you see Tangled? I just saw it and was surprised by how good it was.
Statistically speaking, they're probably talking about BT, IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.
Speaking of, there's this weird bit in the recent updates. "Moderators are members too". I think they're trying to gather enough evidence to...
The closest thing to "too far" I've ever seen.