Hey Tasty Tusk.
...which is true. If you've seen the videos, you know the game is bad. No single part of it is worthwhile or interesting, and the environments...
What the hell happened?
When you have the audacity to name your game similarly to the game you're copying, it's pretty obvious that your game doesn't have legs to stand...
Is there any chance you can remove that red heart in your signature Grif? It's really distracting.
Have any evidence to the contrary? Because I do:
You don't have to tell me, I remember Matilda. That movie was so quaint.
YouTube - Rusted Root - Send Me On My Way
The fact that they both end with "craft" is important. Of all the names they could have chosen, one with the word "craft" in the name is going to...
Oh, if I could, I would. I'd be on that. God speed soul brother.
Man "Healthy Theorem" sucks, I wish we could have "KFC Family Feast Theorem" back.
It's not the same, and I'm not going to explain why, because you KNOW why. It doesn't matter if it's one dollar when thousands of people are...
I voted for a new map as soon as it went up
...y-yeah. (Pats Waylander on the back gently, as to not shatter his illusions)
The point is, "Craft" is in the name. They are shamelessly riding off Minecraft's reputation, and when the game eventually comes out (and there is...
- See the beginning of the universe. - Watch films from the 90's. The 2090's.. - Steal intellectual property from those in the future. -...
.:[Mining Bros]:. Lets Be Bad Guys. It's a good thing you're pretty.
I won't be near my xbox, so tell me when you finish your game and I'll get on.
O.k, now it's just mean.
Oh, Grif the Creepy... Listen to my words, the words of the Deku Tree...