I remember seeing this a few months ago. It looks fun and all and pretty origonal, I think that with today's forge techniques this could be...
Hello, sorry I wasn't online. My house was struck by lightening thursday night and nothing works. I just got my internet working with a new...
Once I'm in a good mood I'll download. It looks so challenging that I'l probably be crying after a few minutes! This deffinately looksharder...
Yeah.. it was so quiet then BANG So much for doing my science homework in peace!
I wasn't online because my house got struck by lightening. Nothing works. I just fixed my cumputer but I'm still hooking up my xbox live...
Wait till you see the geomerging on High Voltage. But I want to know the best way to finish the defenders base... I will have you check it out...
My house got struck by lightening and I just got my computer working. I have still been working on High Voltage though. I have been forging on local.
My house got struck by lightening and I just got my computer working. I have still been working on High Voltage though. I have been forging on...
I am very sorry that I couldn't be online. My house got struck by lightening Thursday night and it screwed everything up. I just got my internet...
OMG you posted it! This is a great map everbody and I recommend it to everybody. Fantastic origonality and geoglitching, the gameplay is...
Classified information. All I can tell you is that the geomerging is going to be EPIC! I have showed Bl00d F1r3, Shadow Viper and Camoflaug and...
Yeh you can test. Cortana is Master Chief's sexy naked cumputer helper. They named an entire campain level after her!
Why don't you go on halo 3 anymore? You were one of my best online friends! Plus I beed to know how you got those slanted boxes into the ground...
You can add me if you want... lol... yes that is lol Should I make High Voltage into one sided objective or semmetrical objective?
Do you know who would know? I need to know before I try to geoglitch into that fence foor in foundry's bases.
she is not emo deadshot. I wish she was your GF lol But I wish Blazeisgod's GF was mine too.
Are you going to play Farcry 2? Genous map editor. I can't wait for it. The website is www.farcrycreations.net Please check it out. Its...
Whats up? You deleted me a couple months ago. Just stumbled across you a few minutes ago. Hope is emo. It alwase dies away. I randomly...
You never sent me a naked pic of someone!
Don't get me wrong, recon looks amazing but I agree on the fact that in is over rated, completely pointless and even if you get it, your message...