Okay, I have everything working on my xbox connection, I can go on now. I would have been on today but I had to much Math HW to do. High...
I havn't been on in 2 weeks becuase of the lightning. If it says I've been on line its either Bungie, a false signal or somebody is hackzoring...
I played one bomb on it with you yesterday at my friends house and the one sided gameplay can easily be compared with Headlong! I found MOST...
Sometime this week. Probably towards the end but mabey around Tuesday. I apologize with it taking so long and thankyou for your patience. Do...
I don't know what to do with the rest of High Voltage. Geomerging is awsome but its just... empty. The map's (about 1 side is done) is just plain...
I HAZ AIDS! How do you have 4 rep bars? I have 3 times as many posts as you! I am sad now... I will now go look at ******* porn to cheer...
Hey whats up? You might still be pissed atme for spamming your screen with invites the other day. Just wondering if you've heard of High...
Welcome to FH! This map looks very well made and the interlocking looks superb! I am glad to see that you used a beam rifle and multifloors to...
Soon, probably over the weekend.
Cause Farcry 2 is coming out... I think I'll make one on Avalanche to try and get into MM. Believe me... High Voltage will not disapoint!
Glad to see your loyal!
Its going cool right now... I want your opinion on someting in High Vltage so please be on this weekend :-)
Well thi is my last map. Mabey I'll make onw to try and get ito MM
My house got struck by lightening and I just got my computer working. I have still been working on High Voltage though. I have been forging on...