It's pathetic how many people registered and then never made a post... Somebodfy should prune down the ranks soon.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated...
looks sick. Will download when I get home.
This was pretty cool. I can't attest to the accuracy of the remake, but it was fun enough.
I think that COD is more fun to play if you don't have a party or friends, but even with one other dude halo is more fun as a group.
KapuraIII, stuff.
...And something touched me deeeeeep inside/The day/ Heath Ledger/died...
contests and various things, apparently. Also, how much does the server cost?
I thought this was an superior map, a cut above. I thought it was brilliant having the sniper and rocket spawns so close, and yet so far to get...
Well, I checked it, and the only flaw I can see is with the random teleporters. All of the pieces of map are good enough, simple and clean, and I...
Looks spiffy. Queued.
Looks Interesting. Queued.
Haha, oh wow. That was really sick. You should try the temple of time. That would kick ass.
I just like random grunt dialogue and brute yells. Some of it is just funny, even if it isn't really an "Easter egg" per se.
I think this would be sweet. But in think that for any one-on-one games there should be rounds, because somebody could grab the power weaposnand...
I'd like to know how you got that pic. Also, awesome.
I'd like to know where they got THAT number...
The Grand X (It has 4 bases!) This map was inspired by a large amount by Skibur's Wee Warehouse which is great. But I hope that mine is different...
Looks Good. Queued.
I'm intrigued. Queued