Nope. I actually have to get off for the night. Good luck and try not to get yourself banned for Insulting other members. lol.
Hmm... Probably not. Just kidding. I'll try to do whatever I can. lol.
*COMMANDERMATT1 logs on the next day to find Frag Man banned and seeing 15 visitor messages talking trash about Frag Man.* I bet something like...
Yeah, I noticed when I Replyed that I messed something up and I quickly tried to delete the post. <3 you more... Yep that's right no one can...
lawl... Yep that's right, Don't mess with the COMMANDER.
No, I <3 you more!
Such an old Game console; But, I still get laughs from this. I find it funny when the kid puts his head close to the Game cube trying to see if...
YouTube - Pokémon Theme Song
I miss you... :'( Can't you just drop out of college and stay on Xbox Live and Forge Hub all day? Go back to the Moderation business. Heck, At...
Lock this please: Everyone is spamming this pointless thread like it's Off-Topic....
I love you... It's been a long time since I've heard my old Forge Hub name of Caboose. Thanks for remembering me. lol.
Welcome to Forge Hub! Just like Zstrike13, read the rules before posting on the Forums and above all make sure when/if you post a map make sure...
Good. I'm online.
Ugh, Not this again.
lol. Nevermind. *Facepalm*
More like Central standard time; In the United States. lol.
Sorry... I was reading the best thread ever! lol. But, I usually stay online the whole day since I have nothing better to do.
I miss you and your crazy Australian ways... lawl. <3
No... How about you get on Skype?