Alright, but I'm gonna have to leave soon anyway.
Bleh, I suck at this. I can't get rid of the little insignia in the top right...
You change your opinions too quickly. So foolish...
Alright, so how would I got about cutting him out. I know there is some kind of magic wand type of tool I think that basically cuts it out for...
Any of these? [spoiler][IMG][IMG][IMG] [IMG][IMG][IMG] [IMG][IMG][/spoiler]
Also, what is that gray space just over his (our right) shoulder? It's kind of distracting.
If that doesn't work I found one a planet renders we can use.
Hmm, It's not from planet renders, but it looks like it would work. [IMG] You think?
Exactly what I was wondering. Makes it look very LQ.
Do you want to work on a render today?
I used to use forge alot, but I soon realized that if the game didn't end quickly and it dragged on, his power becomes almost useless. Other than...
My dad got on. Besides, I'm eating dinner in like 10 mins.
Yeah, same here. Sure, I'm satisfied with what I learned from the stock. And I have a render in mind that I'd like to use later when we start on...
Are we done with that stock?
If you don't think they will work, then I will just learn them some other time and make sure I choose a stock/render that is meant to be used with...
I'm gonna learn them sometime. Might as well be now.
[IMG] .png makes a big difference.
When I save as .png it has several check boxes. They read: Interlacing (Adam7) Save Background Color Save Gamma Save Layer Offset Save Resolution...
Right. So, now what?
Good job on knowing about a higher quality save file, or making him stand out?