david pakman looks like joseph gordon-levitt
:( i cba to play bawks anymore.
i see you.
i cant stand fight night anymore. homefront will be a COD clone (it is, dont argue) and ive kinda gone off crysis, the new MP has been rebalanced...
i like oil pastels.
that would be now... lol
i have a nanopad :)
no, i cant cos im uk. link? anyone else think the teaser was way too mw2 1st teaser-ish? Edited by merge: YouTube - Battlefield 3 Premiere...
and what? theres no one left from the plague. i respect them, but war is harsh no matter what.
[IMG] just a quick piece with depth and focal play. colour was trouble cos of the stock.
its called not being a grif. you know, you should just friend request loads of people with the message '**** you *****' and see who will accept.
AC beggar woman: NO YOU DONT UNDERSTAND! [IMG] also onions
cos you smell.
gravity too high when at centre of mass; leads to crushing and mangling.
just tell her shes fat and ugly and you want nothing to do with her.
yeah, i only have one friend on PSN atm, so im trying to add more ppl. dya think ill need a mic?
oh i should've added to the OP, my PSNID is QKT100 the infamous demo i played was a bit meh tbh, i guess the full game is too then.
im gonna pick them up along with DA2 when it comes out. atm i have: KZ3 FIFA11 LBP2 MGS4 and i had TFUII but it was so **** i returned...