WHAT THE HELL MAN!?!? Stop changing you name. You're confusing meeeee <3
LOYAL! :D o/!!!! <3
Cheers. No one is entering though.. =/ Maybe if you enter.. Everyone will be like "oh Titmar entered, I gotta enter now so I can impress him...
most phones have an option called send number of call ID settings or something which let's you call people without them seeing your number so it...
I like compliments :D
Lasagna is the best. I havnt had it for ages D; Did you see my post in the Nom Nom thread? CnC?
Don't you mean lasagna?[IMG]
You want epic techno? From Pendulum's latest album: YouTube - Pendulum - The Tempest These guys used to be a heavy metal band, but discovered...
Wub u 2 da max
Grif, You ninjaa. I was like WTF, then I looked at your sig. You can't trick me.
You left me in the shoutbox.
You're back -__-
I saw your new map... YouTube - MEN ARE BETTER THAN WOMEN >.< (Map looks nice by the way.)
Hey buddy sup! =] How old are you? Lol random question just makin conversation
Holy ****. Just wanted to stop by and say; I appreciate you.
Hey... this is my entry. I'm not sure if its quite vibrant enough.. it was. But the scanner really messed up the quality. I drew it yarly. Is it...
Well I drew this sig and then pretty much copy pasted in parts of my current sig and the name. [IMG] The scanner really screwed up the colours ;[
I think the text would look sweet in the top right corner.. Its a really sweet sig though, Love the colours And CC is a sweeeeet game :D
If they do catch you... Just tell them what happened straight up, that kid was being a douche and you were trying to do work, he was playing games...
Come play Castle Crashers