lol orly? So you give me a compliment then your all like nah I was tricking you it sucks. jk jk :D Yah I love bouncing grenades to see where they...
Stoj.... Dude.. that is absolutely amazing. o/ I think Rey, has some competition.
It doesn't really end LOL. When the thread dies I guess
Thats not proper mahjong though Rey, proper mahjong is confusing. Its like a card game with tiles
It is a PNG lol, I used lol >.< I would use something else if I had it. Maybe I'll DL Gimp sometime
I decided to give it a go :P its on the last page of the 10000000 post party countdown thread. I used.. Circle tool, line tool, font tool, And...
Pretty sexy bro. o/ I tried making one LOL its pretty ****. Check the 1000000 post countdown thread.
Yeah man thats looking good. I like the lines now get some bright light neon effects going
Its not too bad, but It needs a bit more vibrant ness and detail to it. Right now its a bit.. bland? Add a stock image and stuff use some of the...
Doesn't need an album name. And the size is.. *Checks* .........500x500 You have a fair bit of space to work with! =] EDIt: this would make a...
It IS funny and you know it >;]
The one and only Sefton Powrie has requested that I acquire him an album cover that he can use to start off his DJ career. This is some of his... Just thought I'd get him some views :D This is a sampler from one of his live mixes when he was just...
David! Planet earth needs your help David!
Thanks for that input there :D haha Nemi, are you in the clear now? Did they interrogate the whole school?
Lol nice one :D You should photoshop recon onto yourself too =]
Ive just always wanted to make a ****ing huge sandwich like in the movies :D
Dude! you stole my video! ;D I posted that on the hub ages ago. But yeah. I don't think we're alone either. The universe is so god damn big,...
Theres always camera phones and webcams.
I'm waiting for more entries. I'm unhappy with the amount of entries so far. Spread the word, you can be my promo girl. Get drawingman in on it.