I can't until tomorrow of saturday
You *****. =D
We got a game, look who it is! :D http://www.forgehub.com/forum/group-2/36855-jamp-vs-straight-trippin-lb.html
Whats wrong with your voice? o.0 You sound completely normal to me... maybe its because I'm not used to the accent so I can't tell if you sound...
Dude... you're nearly beating nemi... shhhh don't tell him.
I remember laughing my ass off at that.. Hmmm embarrassing moment.. ohh.. this party... This girl and I were doing shots together and one of...
"i finally tripped over one of em and fell on my face" Bahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
[/LIST] o.0 Promise me you will never die..
I actually don't know Max Owen, I just googles JAY's name and his bebo came up and JAY was on his friends list. jay already knows this....
No but bungie is giving the people that have all 3 challenge acievements unlocked a special present sometime in the future. I wonder what its...
I think you go to the start of the level actually.. On legendary. Btw my little brother (Jefferson) has a separate account.
What achievements have to be done tommorrow..? Any?
I can do Friday from lunch till about 2 or 3 I'm on holiday then :D ( times are GMT + 12) Edit: if we do it Saturday morning I can get my...
Yay, Green.
Probably bungie testing to make sure the achievements get unlocked properly? I already got the 3 assassinations and the double double...
dude.. I just played a game with this guy called ugPguin and his name was Brandon and his gamerpic was a penguin and he was from Texas, Dallas not...
APparently you are cool, you got a friend request from me.
Yeah, I guess its because its the interenet. So I can say whatever I want. You know what I mean? And can be like "chucks sister is a douchecookie"...
lmao. I'm only messing with you. Just ignore me. On a serious note: Hi
Lol check your sister's rep again dood. >:D