What? I didn't I give you POSOTIVE rep? I'm 99% sure I did... D= If I actually gave you negative rep... then lol my bad
Cmon just one message be like congrats on loyal that's it.
Noooooo. Now I look like an idiot. Can you just do like 3 visitor messages? LOL are you scared of Nemi? (I am too)
ahaha YES.
Lol win.
Dude... Go to Nemi's profile and spam his visitor messages being all like congrats on loyal and star rick rolling him etc so he gets excited then...
by the way Linubidix is nearly beating you post count wise.
Your reaction is humbling.
I see what you mean although sometimes halo related threads could be posted in off topic because they arent really that important to be subjected...
Night <3
Haha I know what you meant :P Gotta love that swingset.
I just thought I would share, and maybe I will drive into a playground.. You'd like that wouldn't you? The crushing of a bunch of children.....
ive seen like 3 or 4 but i really like what ive seen i want some :]