You bastrard... You've given in to the scene girl fad.. D;
Not really... o.0 Sorry.
Awh shucks... I dont know what to say
Nope, I'm just being wierd.
What about Jay? Gunslinger wants to do it.
When are we doing this campaign achievement? I'm ready [IMG]
will I get infractred?
Other members of FH have gotten Respected for similar reasons.
Tell them you promise to form a school MLG squad and stuff...
Paradox.... o.0 Watch Napolean Dynamite, to learn how.
lol... I would have taken those off by now if it were my YouTube account >.< Facepalm indeed. I couldn't help but cringe.
1st: 2nd one 2nd:1st one 3rd: 3rd one (OMG its a girl!)
I think he zooms in to like 400% to draw, that way it looks alot cleaner when he zooms out. EDIT: CHECK IT OUT...
Ask ****: What is a Donkey Punch?
Well the URL does trace to Spartan7371's photobucket account. Although he could have print screened it then uploaded it himself if he wanted to.
Gametime in a few hours dood cmon :D
Doood, check out this guy.. Pixelgod :: Online Portfolio of Raffaele Picca 2006 Alot of his stuff is done in MS paint o.0
I actually didn't mean to neg rep Tex D= lol, I'm serious. I must have just ticked off the neg rep box without thinking D':