I think after seeing this you should make some new specialized gametype for this map...
You, hope? No, you know or know not, there is no hope. *Said in a Yoda voice*
I know of this, I can do it in five minutes. That is fast, but not near fast enough, fastest times are under four minutes. EDIT This belongs in...
Of course im offline now, it is 11, i can only stay up till 9:30 weekdyas, so if it is 11 now, what time is it for you?
Dude, I will gladly help you. My highest level is a 48, I am a 46 in TS and don't care about it, so I will get you to 30 in no time. Send an FR to...
Well, yes swords are still on Lone Wolves, and also it is very easy to get a swords game. RoFL
why did you make the practically the same thing?? I have already seen it, LAME.
Thanks, that is some of the best feedback I have gotten so far, and it reflects perfectly about this map.
A cookie, or maybe bit more tuned spawn system, cause I have had some bad spawns on it..
It looks pretty straight and the Halo that pops up is cool but it would have looked 100 times cooler if you had shiled doors spawn as well to...
This has got to be one of the best looking Aesthetic set type of map. I love so many things in this map, I only wish there were a better way to...
ROFLCOPTER! That is hilarious dude, it doesn't just look crappy like most other big things like that but this one actually looks hilarious. Rofl...
For some reason I really like this map. I just love how you made the deck with the Hornet on top, just like real aircraft carriers.
At first I thought it was supposed to look like the animal than I saw the comparison and realized that it was made pretty accurately to the original.
This looks really good, even better and nicer looking than Biggles, and that is hard to do!
But that isn't really all that good. I really really want a browser like the one for Halo Pc and Halo 2 Vista, those were the best!
It was on Ascension, and the first weapon I ever picked up on H2 was a Brute Shot, and now today I am Brute Captain, because brutes are the...
Brs are the best weapn in Halo 3, it is the perfect balance between an Assault Rifle and s Sniper, so, the more the merrier.
Ranked 3953 Beat Downs 1046 Double Kills 486 Sticks Social Just look at my social medal chest!
Dude, when does this come out, and can I make a reservation now!?!?!? You have gotta tell me... HALO HALO HALO!