Lol, I know what you mean cause I play with you. And yes, they should definately make it all BR starts, it is ten times more fun in a match will...
And I'm more skilled than you and they all agree with me. I just had this experience today with BR's and Carbines while beating BNASTY 25-4 in MLG.
Wow, I wasn't expecting to see a good map after not having pics, this looks well made and I like the box ramps.
This map is in my top two for the best indoor based Avalanche map, good job Metroshell.
Ok, the person above as right, you need to embed them. I can tell by the HTML script that you tried to use them directly from bungie, you need to...
Yeah dude sure, I kinda though want you to to maybe mention in your thread when you post your map to give me credit. It isn't that big of a deal...
I'm truly surprised you could assemble such a good map wihtout interlocking, overall it looks like you have a good forging future, I just can't...
And just as a follow up the first map I played halo 3 on was Last Resort... and I don't really like it...
Here is the truth, it varies based on your skill level. THe highest level peoplle, level 45 and up, like me, use them interchangeably. I like the...
Yeah I don't really care, but as for a suggestion, I was going to say Snpers but then remembered that it was actually already confirmed and...
Yay geo merging AND interlocking!
Yip, after checking it out I can confidently say this is the best indoor based Avalanche map out there, it looks gorgeous and is brilliantly made....
Overall this map looks very promising. I love the center structure and bridges around it, especially the death pit. My only complaints are of the...
Oh, first you download the pictures from your profile to your computer. Save them in a file so you know where they are. THen, make an...
Hmm, I'm glad to see other members making their own little groups, I might have to check it out.
I am SO EXCITED. As a few of you may know, I am VERY good with a sniper, not trying to brag. And, since Team SWAT is going ranked as a permeanent...
Yay, interlocking always pleases me! I really like what you have done, especially that walkway lined with window panels.... SWEET!
After playing on this map I loved that dark room area, that is one of the coolest rooms ever!
Hmm. rofl, I didn't notice you commented, how did you find out about The Plaza?
That is really the idea isn't it. My whole focus was to increase playability but without the notice of other's, maybe I should have a little mini...