After reading this I thought to myself, "Superchubby Alby sues over repeated offenses by Dom says Oi".
I love the way you have presented this problem in a non confrontational way. WHat you say is true, and with that, forgehub is great! I wouldn't...
For all those arrogant and ignorant statements made before saying this is supposed to be competing with forgehub, just be quiet. This isn't a...
I agree with many of the people's remarks before. If soccer didn't ewven work and there is a soccer ball, what else could you do except Grifball!?
You have a good idea, but I think you should take it a step further. YOu should make an interocked "default" setting that is nothing like the...
I don't know. I never really used the Elephants, some people did but I just never liked them. And judging from how things are prgressing with the...
I don't know really, there seems to be a random collection of a few items with no strong layout to tie it all together. I think you should add...
Oh no, he advertised, and you spam-a-lot, which is worse.....? Spam. But anyways, you always do seem to make a better and bettermap like this, you...
At least this one isn't just one of the already cliche ice cave maps, you actually did a great job on constructing a nice playable air base. I...
You probably should have blocked off alot of that empty space, because if you intend to keep people focused on the main area, bloakc everything...
I kinda expected that this map would have been featured a long time ago, but sometimes you never know..
Why? Yeah, let me flex so I can A. Kill the mosquito and B. Make it easier to contract a disease from it by allowing it more access to my...
Personally I just finished a whole unit on poetry and got a test grade on it, and now I hate poetry more than ever.
I don't think you would want to go through that trouble in the end... the Halo song for GH3 is pretty easy and yawnable...
Ummm... but you see the difference is that everone tells people that there posts are wrong and that is okay... In your case, spamming is not ok,...
WWE is really stupid though.... It isn't real wrestling and is kinda low class..
Yeah but Nemihara the only reason you are a UNSC Spartan is because you spam every day, lol, spammer... But as for Global Warming, recent news...
Well, as you can see in my shopped avatar, I use a Brute Emblem. And I don't think I would ever change it because, well, I am Brute Captain. I...
Didn't you say you were working on some other alphabetical related project, cause if so I can't wait!
I can't really imgagine this for SWAT, there isn't enough cover and doesn't look SWAT oriented at all....