Hi, welcome to forgehub new member. Your post seems to have some problems, specifically it needs embedded pictures. Please read this topic to find...
Oh dude, I really liked this map. I remeber playing it with you yesterday. It was a lot of fun, but really, I don't like the elbow thing. The...
I very much like maps like these, but often times they aren't made well. But you seem to have solved that problem. I have it q'ued.
Yes, how do I??? Really though it is just over time you get used to interlocking and merging and become able to merge harder and harder things. To...
Hmmm, I only see one picture. You should really add some more. And did you get the idea for the man cannon thing from BigTex?
With forge filters like that on I'm pretty sure this isn't best fit for competitive play. My main reason for saying that is because it is much...
Although your response puzzles me, I have to ask, did you actually play it yet?
I was glad to have tested this, I love the whole feel of the map. I urge anyone who loves infection to DL.
You reminded me of something I forgot to add.. I loved, as he said, all the different angles and how you perfectly blended the different levels...
Oh, it's you. I haven't seen you in a while, and I'm glad you noticed my post. And I agree, I like Ghost Town very much, it is actually one of the...
Oh man, after playing this a few times I am really wanting to get a good Team Slayer game going on this, perhaps today?
I never had really seen this map of yours but it actually looks very good and I will definately have to try it out sometime.
Just for the people who had played it a few hours before release, I made one last minute change. Because there was already a shotgun, I replaced...
I have this q'ued, it lloks promising and I have high hopes for this map.
Hello new member, and welcome to the wonderful world of forgehub. You seem to have some problems with your post, namely you need embedded...
Hmmm... I disagree. You obviously haven't actually seen it, there is nothing lazy about it. It looks well interlocked and is quite smooth. As for...
Thanks, yeah and I agree, it may not seem like much but all the little things add up and can offer a lot of great gameplay.
You mean the thing I used to make the overhang, because those are called barriers.
Parched Solace A precious few drops reward the wandering who seek to slake their thirst, but seldom will passage be uncontested. 4-12 players...