Sorry Dude, didn't notice you wrote back on your on wall. It's a good idea to write on mine or the person who you are talking to, that way it...
I wanna be Myka
If you want, you can do your best to build the area outside shipment, which upon further looking into it isn't too bad. There is a build, some...
I'm excited to see Dome if you can accomplish it. Best map in WaW
[IMG] Gophers on Your Lawn Created By: Ell3ment & Gunnergrunt Recommended Players: 4-16 Required Gametype: Gophers These guys...
Sir, if you could accept me on skype that would be wonderful
Sry bout that, I was rushin
Haha yessir, I was grabbin pictuuures. Happy Belated BTW..and Happy Drinkin if you turned 18 :P
Congratulations Sir
[IMG] Proximity Created By: Rifte Recommended Players: 4-8 Recommended Gametypes: MLG Team slayer, Team King, Team Oddball In a...
hey your on, sup
Yep, right on dude..that's just how you do it. : Halo 3 File Details short bizzle's budge glitch version of mine and shadow viper's ghost merge canvas. For a ghost merge canvas you...
Sorry I sent a PM but my PM box was full and it didn't send, yes as long as it's substantially different, you can enter it.
I would like to see terminal and highrise is definitely possible jfox. But like Mick said if you're strapped for ideas quake live is where it's at.
U box?
Nope you don't have to, it's just an option
Supposed to be multiplayer maps. The only real restriction on what maps are allowed is based on judging. We can't judge every FPS from 97 on the...
yeah whatever lol..but you're gona have a hard pressed time beating out other actual shooter maps :P