Amplified slayer would play better if they fixed the spawns, but Onslaught slayer was just too simple, it was boring to play and watch with all...
Either no planning, and I just go with the flow of the map, or I Make someone else do it for me
FYI, Cosmic spent days getting the pallet respawn times just right, so don't expect it to be throw down a bridge, place some grav lifts, lay down...
Needs more timesplitters characters, like zombie monkey and cyber monkey... Or even normal monkey....
I noe I noe, give me tiem.
Ok, first of all, why was i not asked to help/give opinions on this uber awesome undertaking? I was like you guys once, lol. Secondly, I think...
Geez... just go make me jealous...
I dunno, the song didn't impress me much... but I'm not a metal fan soooo...... anyway, the map looks great, and there's something about watching...
why of course you can good sir, I am always happy to evaluate a friends dabblings in the arts of forge.
Surprisingly, it's easily under budget, and resources are relatively plentiful, we still have one single box, one open single box, 5 walls and 13...
yeah, designed by iTs_NeXn Here We've got the majority of it done, just got the two pillars, the snipe platform (big flat walkway thing) and the...
Did you know that there is an area on foundry where if you place a box then save and quit, the box will ALWAYS be altered or moved a little? I...
We just need an admin...
Yeah, wanna know their secret source of inspiration *leans closer* well it's... ALPHABET SOUP!
How art thyself good sir?
o/ for led zeppelin map name! The map looks quite good, with an interesting layout, but there is a lot of movable scenery which should be avoided...
Well, you already know how I play (which is badly) so if you want me to come along just invite me.
The one thing I thought was unworthy was the clip on Valhalla where you threw a power drain down the front of the base, wasn't as skillful as some...
neither of those starting points should matter... but I swear I set them up... Oh well. And as previously stated:
yeah sure...