Industries Created By: the whyher Gametypes Supported: Slayer, Oddball, KotH, CTF, Assault, Territories, Juggernaut, Infection, VIP Recommended...
Hey, just because I'm making one map (which is almost finished) it doesn't mean I can't make another... I'm in.
Metro v2 Created By: Paulie Walnuttz Gametypes Supported: One flag, One bomb, Territories, Slayer, Infection Recommended Players: 6 - 8...
So I can post it?
And that achieves...?
Lulz, that'd suck... That's really the only thing that annoys me about MLG, the way the hardcore fans complain about every little thing and take...
Yeah I heard about BxB and stuff, ZonKeD claims to have played against Final Boss a couple of times online in H2 and apparently they would only...
Got the map, you can remove it now.
Well seeing as I never played Halo 2 online, I didn't really care for the BR spread since it's really all I ever knew.
If I had to do that I'd so do google... lol
That and four shotting guys just makes you feel twice as epic...
Well it is TGIF, so it will be mainly for fun, and I get what you mean about not being so competitive anymore, I only play MLG because it has this...
Yeah I guess and lolz midnight FTW
That's the exact same thing I said when I tried to get in on testing Regicide... then I found out that it's barely half finished... Besides, NeXn...
sure, but just quickly.
I'll try and hold off on the testing until you are online....
We weren't able to test last night cause we still didn't have it quite finished, but it should be ready for TGIF. we'll probably run some tests...
Well I'm only a 20 or something so..... cya.
because he was trying to keep it from you until the right time...