I wouldn't mind helping out. I've never attempted to make a competitive map, besides for the one conquest map I made. So maybe this can be a...
It's weird seeing you as a Loyal.... I deleted your thread for you btw.
That's messed up, the employees definitely handled the situation improperly. If you can clearly tell he's incapable of doing something, why is it...
I have a suggestion for a gamertag, yet not to share it within your thread. How about Running Bear? or KFC n Koolaid?
Still I don't play video games that early.
I can't believe you just seriously asked me something like that. 8 hours is like 6 in the morning. I wake up around 1 in the afternoon on the...
I agree with Dow.... Although, I'd pay $20 for an option to do stuff with my avatar, like take him to school, feed him, get a job for him, and...
Can you get on Xbox?
The flowery type vector that wraps around the text could be enlightened quite a bit, it's a little too dull. Also, the background could be better...
Yes, it is possible. It also costs an additional price too.
I'll be on in 30 minutes.... I'd appreciate it if you were to send me a message over XBL so I can easily invite you.
I'm down for a drum battle, yet I was hoping to find more people to play these two games with so I don't have to play with randoms all the time. I...
I'm going to take a shower then I will be on RB2/GH5 for a couple hours. So if you're on I'll play. I've just played the original setlist so many...
How much DLC do you have though?
First of all I don't know of many who even play the music genre games here on Forgehub but this thread is worth a shot. The essential purpose of...
My mom just called me a Bad Kid.... I'm like what the hell did you just call me.
Just letting you know that a great majority of people aren't really going to accept your offer of MS points or XBL subscription. Most people will...
It's a place to find other people who are currently looking for a Forge partner, there is a list of people who have done so. In that list feel...
I would never let my dog be seen wearing that. I'll let her freeze before I buy her that atrociously retarded piece of cloth.
Your most recent write up is so cheesy and over done.