Seriously, that guy is such a ****. I can't believe he said that to you. He better get an infraction.
Your signature is win.
TDF? flr
It's not the Yavimayan?
Read the thread title newb, " If you could pick the entire setlist for Rock Band 3..." Other wise, as for my own setlist, here are some songs...
Here are the songs I think that should be in Rock Band. I tried to not add any songs that I think they should add that is already in a GH game....
This doesn't belong here. It should be in Forge Discussion, not in Customer Service. Customer Service is for Questions and Suggestions for only...
I keep reading your username as Dow_is_Failing... tis better as just Dow
You put an extra spoiler tag in your op making it have two spoilers instead of one.
why am I so gud?
I don't find you funny one bit and none of my posts to you are ever intended to be humorous at all.
Terrible attempt at comparing two different ranks to the same exact food.
I love the irony of Randle asking a mod to take over and you took over.
My mom was at Gamestop today getting my 6 year old brother a game for the wii and she had GH5 in her hands ready to purchase but didn't buy it...
You have created the most win bread evar
I don't know how you're going to come up with a lot of questions for your thread to last a while... I like the idea of it, but what if you took...
lul I'm going to bed too. But I don't have to wake up till 6:30... night troll
lul noob you could have stayed owner. I didn't create it, I just brought it over from /b/.
You fail Dow. You can clearly tell that Running Bear is wearing Kanye Shades. I was the one who started it. Then I put shades on Scobra's old...