Then you sir, fail. Sorry, but that was the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Ontop the map. Like Ace, I played this once, joining 5 minutes left...
This might actually work. I've tried making loops on racetrack, no success. But I'm pretty sure the smaller it is, the better effect you'll get....
Actually, you can get limited preordered stuff from EB games(I'm getting the Jonshon coin from a newer EB games). Stuff varies by location. I...
In one of the RvB videos, Johnson has his gun lowered for the majority of the machinima. So maybe in offline you can lower your gun for firefight.
That's too bad. Maybe there will be a firefight map similar to it. And lightsout, the 'unknown map' is called Lost Platoon Confirmed in this...
Pics of a new firefight map(?) from the weekly update(Looks like one anyways. But behind the ODST in the first pic is another marine who doesn't...
I read something like this a while ago on another site. Not that excited for it :S For those of you who don't know what Waypoint is,
But wasn't he pushing it around? (Although I doubt it)If the item stays like that i customs, I have a few ideas for it already.
Last one. I really suggest you don't go with option A, and if you do... please don't turn it into a fat kid map.
That's because hscreenshots is working. When you search up your GT it just doesn't give you a thumbnail preview. It'll say the pic name, file...
Good choice of music gunner. Found your vid to be pretty useful as well. I've just started this technique today, and it' pretty amazing, much...
I really like the spartan, looks a lot like H2 chief, especially with the dual SMG's(without all the armor dents). Good job, couldn't recognize...
aw... now I kinda want a chick avy. But not really :P
for what? your avvy?
... It's just so you can get the shield doors to stay flat. You could ghost merge I suppose to get rid of the ugly thing that holds the shield door.
There's no way to get more than what you have. You'll just have to make do with the 8 you have. As Dow said, it might be possible with mods, but...
Disc 1=YES -ODST campaign -Firefight Disc 2=NO -Forge -MM -Custom games
I have to find 5 things that are important and meaningful to me, and bring them to school tomorrow. I have no idea what to bring.
Welcome, I recommend you pick up a copy of Halo 3(and if you don't already have one, a 360) to fully enjoy your stay here, as a great majority of...
I'm losing faith :*( Layout is okay, and I've already gotten the aesthetics finished. might use it for another map though since I've already got...