Choppers were used to balance the gameplay for the brutes and additional transport. There were no BR's in ODST, but I used it for gameplay...
You weren't online yesterday for testing... anyways the map's up now. We can still...
Shield doors can be no clipped on some maps. I used a man cannon to dummy them, bu it's only worked on sandbox so far. It's not working on ghost...
Click on the spoilers. They'll explain basically everything you need to know. The song is called "Roll Call" from the Halo 3 OST (Original...
I suspect you didn't actually read, and skipped ahead to the video.. but no normal sandbox is not blocked off and Virgil's objective is to reach...
This map is finished, and can be found here.
Protocol [IMG] 8-14 players recommended(even teams) Creator: rifte gifle [IMG] Shortly after recovering the engineer, the UNSC believe they may...
Not gonna lie... I did NOT imagine you to look like this at all. Maybe it's because of your misleading xbl avatar...Actually tbh it looks more...
Soon mai friend. I'm starting to get the gameplay video together and choosing the right music :) Testing is basically over, but I'm still playing...
oic. Too bad then. I got bored of xbox and wanted to play lol.
Halohub error: connection refused(10061) :(
I see it too. There's a part on the top right hand corner looks a lot like an eye.
Not going to change hammer chieftain spawn time, but I did completely get rid of fuel rod chieftain. Also, stalkers now spawn with only a mauler...
Are you kidding me Pel? That map was teh win :D, especially with overboard. Who doesn't love spawning facing a cliff?
Glad you guys found a use for the glitch, ell3ment's other map wasn't really going anywhere. Anyways, from what I played today during the testing...
Town is confusing as hell, it's kind of a pain to walk through all of it without a friend. OH, and I can't find my house... town's really...
UPDATE: Okay guys, I've changed how the game works completely. While it is still VIP, the game works much differently and in the testers' and I...
I personally did not like the music, but it's still a great community montage. Lots of interesting shots I haven't seen yet. Great job, storm!