I'll probably be on a fair bit tonight, just send me an invite anytime you're online. So you finished the roof you said you were going to do, right?
can't stop watching your avvy dance...
Well Sarge's guide was posted fairly late in the night, and I'm pretty sure when the majority of people are on at 4ish, you'll have even more...
lol, when are you going to get your L4D stuff up? you're using the videos we played today, right?
I actually had an idea of making a map for the contest like this, but was too preoccupied with other stuff. Looks like you executed this very...
Nope, you just don't have any unless you're near him.
you probably already know, but it's done, brew.
Actually, you don't have shields. It's only when you're near your VIP that you gain and recharge them. 2 or 3 headshots with a carbine is easily...
I said 'someone' to make it anonymous, silly.
If you try to run out and spawn kill... YOU'RE basically screwed, not so much the team- you. I once had someone say to me, "I'm gonna be a...
Many people ask, why the battle rifle? Auto-mag is what ODST use! 1)H3's magnum is NOT the same as the automag. Replacing it with this would not...
You linked your FH nomination to a private message lol.
Most likely, yes. But a lot of people myself included like this gametype so I might use it again for another map somewhere in the future. And...
so anyone can comment on the feedback section, right?
No he definitely did play, like 3 games actually. We played two 6 and one 8 person game. Don't think that Mike's trying to bash you... he's fairly...
Not a bad first racetrack, I admit that it wasn't my favorite but I gotta give you props for 1, doing this on foundry, and 2, doing all this pre...
YouTube - riftegifle's Channel I only use it for posting my halo 3 map gameplay videos. Actually there's 1 video of a mongoose splatter that I...
You should have have edited the respawn settings so that the covenant should have a certain amount of time before they can no longer pick up...
Yes, teams must be even.