Done, but cannot use the list it has until my FR is accepted...
Sounds like a Russian ice skater judge.... ;> but I agree, this is very original and very cool implementation...
What is the source of your information? Did you read this from a Bungie post?
I don't mean to beat a subject to death, but I was trying to say that lots of objects are okay so long as they are not near each other. Far...
so glad you asked. Firstly, it would be nice if they provided us with the ability to group objects into new custom objects of our own and let us...
The size of the map means nothing. It is question of how many objects, especially reflective/transparent surfaces, are in your near field of view....
For the top of the control tower on my Twin Fields map, I use a lot of small railings to form the parapet wall. There is also a light inside the...
Hmm... Does that mean that people who do not know about it are not good forgers? Any H3 information applied to Reach is suspect at best....
My first reaction to your question is, "size..."
Can you cite your sources for the numerical values you posted?
I have a large friends list that has been building over the last few months due to my forging and asking people to play on my maps to help me test...
I would be happy to help you with forging problems. If you get stuck and need someone to forge with to look at your map and if I am online I would...
See my blog post on this point...
Ya, I didn't get the name either, but luckily, the name does not affect game play. Edited by merge: When you actually get on the map (not just...
Great map, needs a little work, and I will help! I played it again with another party last night. It was slow with only 8 players for our slayer...
really? My review: Aztec pillars in the lower deck break the cohesion of the theme. Upside down bridge breaks the aesthetics. I played with...
downloaded, will try out and get back with feedback. Nice theme... need loadout pics, too many weapons laying around for this size of map;...
I agree. Downloaded, will try to get feedback later today. Looks very cool. Good source of inspiration too. This looks like a great sniper map,...
This looks really good. I downloaded and will try out later today (when my kids are off the xbox). I will come back and comment later what I find....
Ya, but you have to realize that a lot of maps "look like other maps we have seen". That doesn't mean this map is not worth a download. What I am...