Its Rocket Race. Try reading the post next time, please.
Ya know when I first opened this thread I didn't notice who made this map.. yet when I was scrolling through the screenshots I thought to myself...
From the Weekly Update [IMG] Thats me on stage with Bungie's Paul Bertone
i know prtty cool. i just showed my dad lol
indeed indeedy (i need a haircut)
Yes, but there weren't any vehicles on Crate [Night] or Security Zone to drive No, ODST's cannot dual wield. 1500 of each poster. and I DID say...
Footage I took while waiting in line: YouTube - XBOX Booth at San Diego Comic Con - Firefight! YouTube - Halo 3 ODST Firefight Goodies: ODST...
1. Ill be checking out the new maps. Grabbing the skulls.. acquainting myself. 2. Solo Campaign 3. Firefight (last cause ive already played it)...
i feel like showin off teh 'cawnz in MM.. u game?
We don't feature based on what other sites have done or how much attention a map has received in the past. Never have, never will. We feature what...
you hittin up comic con? ive yet to find a ticket and i fear im too late.. but im searchin. last resort is e-bay.. but its pretty pricy
EDIT: Kapura has been dealt with for his shenanigans. You needn't worry. The infraction he issued you was reversed, and Pegasi Delta changed it to...
click the goddamn numbers genius
in case u were wondering, your thread about fileshare bypassing was moved to the staff section for review. if its allowed, we'll move it back into...
indeed. thanks ps youre page makes my eyes bleed