Happiness & gumdrops.
I'm really ****ing high.
what up *****
I have no idea.
=] Dun worry gai, its allllll good... *Goes to smoke a bowl*
Seriously. About ****ing time. Thanks for posting this, it's really good to know, as I always want those, instead of the 1600/4800 ones.
v He's asking v
In response to halostriker: Project infracts people?
Now you're talking circles.
Precisely, Dear Watson.
You sir, have create a paradox. In that of which, my skype was destroyed.
I am not one to be tested. I am the tester.
I know not what you speak of.
You've shown me your skills. =P & I dig your new sig.
We should give him a bath.
All systems go.
No opinion fo u.
I know right? And to Frag & Fast Forward. Let me see you do it. Until then, keep your mouths shut.