No, because if someone else perceived this to look like this then they would associate this with barf and they wouldn't like the colour, and they...
Except that it wouldn't look like "barf from a hippy" any more so than it does to you. You see "barf from a hippy" would look like a different...
whether I screwed it up or not all depends on how you look at it... XD
What we're really talking about here, when you get down to it, is how different brains may interpret the same inputs in a different way. At the...
Yeah I noticed this a while ago too. Reminds me of my Goldeneye N64 days where you could run faster if you moved slightly at an angle while...
So you're problem was that outside of the city there weren't many people but inside the city there were? Fancy that eh! More people inside a city...
My current Map Project is a Turf remake for the Nostalgia Contest. Other than that I have no real map projects in the works, at this time.
Yeah my activity has greatly decreased. I'm still lurking around, just posting even more infrequently than I did before. My latest puzzle map...
Well being a guilder was fun, lolz. The April fools was a bit late for me though. That front page article actually says it was posted on April...
Actually I replied to the good sir via his own visitor board aaaaaaaaages ago! PWND! Anyhoo I finally looked at Gamer's SAW Puzzle map on...
I have some puzzle concepts but I'm not actively working on a puzzle map atm. There will be a puzzle map on Sandbox from me, just not in the near...
T'were good games. I need to work on my Anti-RAwrbiter skizzles!
I completely agree with the OP. Seriously what were they thinking! Reminds me of that time I bought Mario Kart for the SNES, boy was I pissed!...
One Word: "Smooooooooooooooooth"
Ah, at least you're "Getting" the clues. I suppose I'm not being Cryptic enough!!! So I assume you got past that bit? i.e. Tea-Bagged the area...
Well you wanted to play a harder Puzzle! To be honest if you haven't played my other puzzle maps: Spartan Course, TERRORtories, Hell on Earth...
Holy mother of fish nan bread. You hadn't released this yet?!?!?!?! When I saw my name attached I was thinking "Er, I haven't tested any puzzle...