Perfect Dark theme rawx. Also it's a dark theme, excuse the pun. YouTube - Perfect Dark E3 Premium Theme.
No Problemo. Shame I'm not pr0 at the screenshots like those gaiz!
Flimbo's Quest on the Commodore 64 is the first game I think I played. It was either that or Fiendish Freddy's Big Top o' Fun, I cannot say for...
I would say that "surprise" is an emotion. It is a response to particular stimulii which can vary from person to person, I'd say that qualifies it...
No, you misunderstood. My whole argument was attempting to prove that emotion must be possible in Heaven and Hell for the whole concept to work....
OK I conceed on that one. Sure, God could make Heaven infinite and over-crowding would not be an issue. So if we don't know what heaven is like...
Paradise is only paradise for so long, you would get bored eventually, it is inevitable. The same with eternal suffering, you would get numb to...
I have come to comment on this map, through my own volition, with no urging, proding, poking or shouting required to bring me here. I come in...
If there is a heaven, it's gonna suffer from overpopulation at some point... And just what exactly do you do in heaven? Doing anything at all...
Exactly.... So it means you can't use it as a means to prove we need Religion. Anyway the way I see it this debate isn't about whether we need...
Holy Steele all the way! She had nerves of STEEL! Except she didn't... Yeah the breakdancing kid was so much better in the Semi-Final, I was...
Lol, no... That's like saying we NEED Evil, even Good people! Because without Evil there could be no Good people...The fact is that without Evil...
When I'm good and ready! RAWR (r -.-)r
I would comment on it if I actually had a chance to play it, lol. As you may have noticed my gaming hours have been limited to FFXI at the...
Mental: Bah, I was hoping it would be a "Real Tremors" map, you know what I mean! Leoparddude: Ironically I need to mow my lawn in RL too! I...
Thanks guys!
Deus Ex seemed to last forever, in a good way. I was used to FPS-type games being about 10 hours max. Deus Ex was like 40 hours RARGH!
It's real. Very much in the early stages though right now.
OK I've got some new ideas regarding the "Perception of Colour" debate. I'm actually almost going to be arguing against what I've been trying to...
epic! Anyhoo, yeah. While I'm sure it's theoretically possible that "something" could go faster than the speed of light (tacyons?) it won't be...