I love how you mentioned you were left-handed, as if that would have something to do with it... Actually, yes, because you're left-handed your...
Don't worry, it was just me going off on one of my tangent rants! I enjoyed the read, I just hope I don't see another one of a similar style in...
Lies, I don't think he really drew it as fast as the video proclaims. I suspect trick editing at play! Nice drawing though, but no way his...
I have many ideas, some of them too complex for you mortals to comprehend. If I were to tell you all my ideas your head would implode, then...
I hold no patent on the idea, go right ahead!
Yeah, I was prepared to grab everything from my house and walk all the way to to the memorial to finish the final mission, so I wouldn't lose all...
Not true. The "vicious" was meant to describe Mr. Vice. It was not my intention to utilise his full moniker. I had planned to be ironic. The...
This, ladies and gentleman, is the real reason Vice did not post it himself. You see, his devious antics were intended to portray to you fine...
Well I just had a horrific experience! So there I was, my level 23 Guiding Shepherd of the Wastes, making my way back home after having...
N000000000B. I iz not a Red Mage, lawl. I'm a White Mage! Wow JB, wow...You know nuffin' You should be incredibly disappointed with yourself...
You need to make a map in FFXI and then I will play it! Compromise? I think so...
Lolz. That movie permenantly decreased my IQ. Mine to add: -Back To The Future (Trilogy) -Alien (Trilogy) - Ressurection doesn't count!
Lol, yeah. Mental's right. There is no "Finish" with FFXI.
Oh Hai Gaiz! Very nice post Mander and it was great to be part of it. I wish I could've given you more of my time, but that comment about...
yes, it's a monthly charge. But that's kind've what MMO's do. If you wanted to leave it for a while (Like I did, for about 2 years) then you can...
FFXI is on the 360, it's an MMO. It is more comparable to WoW than Phantasy Star Universe but is still its own beast. And what a beast it is! I...
I didn't come up with the Budget Glitch. I just helped come up with a revised method that didn't require all the objects to be on the map.
I was asked what my favourite Halo 3 vehicle was. That was my response :D
just doing my bit for the group ;)
Looking good! I like the approach you're taking, looking at fundamental design philosophies for maps. You could perhaps even broaden the scope...