Yeah I have used bumper jumper for months now, you get used to it after a while. From playing Halo and 2 with the same control for all these years...
I still like the red one, that's the one I meant Linu =P
Lolz I should add a poll with all the current made sig and add to the poll as a sig is made, is that possible? That would be cool =P
So where does the "this is the purpose of life" thing come in?
The second one is freakin' awesome as =D I love it, awesome effect on the Spartan Model! I don't get the quote at the bottom of the second sig...
No that's a Halo2 model, you can tell easily by the glove.
Glad you like it, hope you has fun with it =D You have no idea how much of a ***** that background was to make xD
You Fail, my birthday is in October =]
I are 19 I just lost my job like a couple weeks ago because the owners sold the place, so yeah =]
Yeah, though I have no idea how I would get into something like that. I guess I would have to some kinda course at TAFE Though I need monies for...
Because he saved it to his computer, possibly edited it? Then uploaded it to Imageshack with, possibly, some kind of image quality control on?...
Yep =] If I wanna make sure I get everyone who asks for a sig and update the front page I need to xD I might not have posted back saying okay I'll...
You are on the list =] About half way down, so I must have read it. EDIT: This thread is kinda large, so acknowledging everyone with a post isn't...
Okay mxdd13, your sig is finished. Hope you like it, anything you want changed please ask. One thing I'm not sure about with this sig is the...
No problems =] I always knew you loved me... I had a feeling =P
Oh you want it animated? xD That should be fine
Lol okay I'll make it special xD
Lol okay, Tex when you edit your post to make it make a lot more sense, cause I know you were going to do that anyway weren't you... lol... I'll...
Lmao I was editing the first post xD While we had the little convo xD EDI: I'm also doing a sig right now so I keep this thread open to look at...
Well you do realise it will take some time to get to it, so if you post a request now, then just modify the post when you finally figure out what...