Lolz that's pretty funny, btw both of you can't spell. It's college. Lol there are tones more, I'll post some more if you want me to xD...
Yeah the opening was the best. I hate it when montages and vids like this have such a cool opening and opening music, and then when it gets into...
Lolz that's okay, they can beg all they want =] Generally I wont bother with request. I'll probably take request through the shoutbox. Though...
Cable will always be faster.
Not ground breaking epic, but good non the less
Okay I do specifically remember telling you to read the sticky on how to post your map.. Clearly you didn't. Read this first You need to embed...
Lolz maybez Roches, I'm kinda getting into doing non-Halo sigs now =] They are fun =D Mege FTMege!
Lolz yah, I'm only making sigs for people I want to. Friends 'n' such. Not some nub that isn't even active on the forums.
Firstly... Yes Master? o_O Secondly, I hadn't started. Thirdly why am I explaining myself to you?
Lolz yeah, fun times =]
Also you can only name the thread the name of the map, do not add (Cops n Robbers Map) DOWNLOAD NOW!. Edit your original post and go to advanced...
3/5 This looks really cool, that tunnel thing looks somewhat familiar though. Apart from that it looks awesome, can't wait to try it out =]
4/5 Ahh this looks like a good implementation of the "angled map" approach. Shift wasn't good at all, but the concept was great! Looks really...
HOLY SHITE! Thankyou JASONYO... For that MAJORE NECRO reply... Look at the dates before posting pl0x
ROFL YOU NUB! Go read the front page =]
Knight Kninja is a special person, Assassins Creed FTW =D [IMG] [IMG]
Many lols =D Stupid Game Show Answers =] There are so many but here are a few of my favourite ones =] Last one is the best =P...
Wahhh! double post ignore this
Sorry Geek, you seem like a nice enough guy when talking in the shoutbox. And obviously you wanna help out, which is definitely admirable and...
4/5 Okay firstly I want to say, you in the shoutbox with your Epic Newbness was a bad sign for me... But it looks like you have successfully...