1] I already mentioned Warthog Inc being the pit, read the comments. 2] Moonbase Alpha is not Blackout you nub... Blackout's code name was...
Yeah I agree, that level where you skate along all the telephone lines with all the janky houses, so cool xD
Ahuh! Excellent, I was wondering where to put this =] Next time... Surely there will be a next time. Oh yeah gotta give the credit to Wii for...
I don't need to test a map to have an opinion on what you are showing here. You have to expect someone to criticise your map, especially here. No...
1/5 Looks cool? Looks good? Looks fun? Are you all looking at the same pictures I am? From the weapons list, is there even a weapon you didn't...
Omg, You silly head! How can you not know what JSRF is... YouTube Jet Set Radio Future, then you'll know why it's so cool. The music is great, I...
-Here are the new official Review Hub Banners - [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
[IMG] [IMG] Ivory Snake, one's sharper then the other. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Here's two avatars [IMG] [IMG] Also, here's Dib in the background =] [IMG] [IMG]
No worries buddy =] Glad you like it
This time he just tried to delete some parts of the map and call it his own, he even goes as far as to say: I have been thinking and brainstorming...
They look really good reaper, the only I notice in this one is that when you resize the images it looks a bit skewed, make sure you put the lock...
Lolz Epic =] Just Epic, can't wait to see more of these
10 cookies for you =D
Hey there newbie =] Hope you have fun here at ForgeHub If you plan on posting a map make sure you read the stickies first =]
You can not link to Bungie.net screenshots... It just doesn't work. Especially seeing how you're not even linking to pictures. If they were images...
4/5 This looks really cool, I like the idea of the cross shaped map on separate floors =] The interlocking looks very well done, nice and clean....
Warthog Inc. was The Pit's codename during the Beta =] And no there is no waterworks remake Mooregames
Okay this is completely against the forums rules. You HAVE to have an embedded picture with a link to the picture on your BNet account. You don't...
4/5 Yeah the "no weapon" effect is really cool. I like this picture a lot =D