The map looks very good, but, as nibs said, the name is horrible. Tac jump looks good and original to me, so IMO, keep it.
Same here.
I don't think Reach was talked about until awhile after ODST, could be wrong though.
Wow that sucks. I was planning to use those.
Why would you want this in the gametype forum? Sure, you made an invasion gametype, but without the edited map the gametype is useless. So what...
Can't get it till X-mas :|
What's a cap code? I'll take it =P
How the hell did you find all those? I wonder else you gave to do to get the helmet..
Well the cartographers are looking for infection maps now, so they aren't just limited to competitive.
Surprised that they gave us such a large pallet on breakneck.
^ I really want to know this too
Ridgeline seems to be on par with Tempest forging wise, aside from a couple new objects, so I'm sure it will be a decent break from FW. Anyone...
Try spotting people/vehicles on the ground and get spot assists.
Zombie is definitely one of my fav forger of all time. Great map, but not as good as Ephasus:)
True, but I am just not enjoying BF for some reason, and CoD always seems to give me a couple months of fun.
Sounds like a better plasma pistol, thus I doubt something like this is necessary.
Tbh, I wish I got this instead of BF3
I wish I preordered :/
Even if this is for living dead, it should be in the casual section since living dead is casual. The map itsel looks basic, so I'm sure this'll...
Me too. But killing with it is a whole other challenge itself.