You... bastard!
You havent seen that movie?!?!?!?!?!?!?
You have seen princess bride, correct?
The angle is the wrong direction, and its orange rather than red. And it was entirely unintentional :P
I know.
Nobody comment.
big poker face....
Yup, among other things. Those two are the biggest though, by far.
Probably the last technologically literate person using it. Until it gets spell-check and the ability to resize text boxes in browser, IE is not...
I thought it was faries, but google chrome disagrees...
BTB on Cold Storage=fail 4v4 on Cold Storage=uncontrolled chaos, with the exception of SWAT which played halfway-decently (other than...
Good luck with that; half my games are stolen by faeries a- WTF THAT is the proper spelling of the things? Did NOT see that coming.
Did that boy below me even use proper syntax...?
I would probably enjoy them a ton if I had any friends playing them. I would definitely own Brink if I had the money. Thats what I think of them :P
Haha, I generally stick with genre's. I am a huuuuuge fan or RPGs, I've beat games like Legend of Dragoon tens of times. And thats a...
I play monopoly, risk, uno...
No, Chill Out was a decent mid-range map. Cold Storage was an abomination.
Cold storage.