I meant aesthetically. I think it plays like I spent a year on it, the map simply doesn't LOOK like I spent a year on it.
Well, me being a theme-****, this map is not my favorite at all. It feels very cluttered in my mind, which I don't like at all! I was almost...
Sup .
Not telling. And I cant do any of the shoutbox commands, my privvies were messed up with the rank change.
This just reached the point of too weird for me.
Not at all :( EDIT: I can view archives, however, so it still recognizes me as an OP or whatever the terminology is for the current shoutbox.
Only because you are a woman.
Breast Cancer Awareness man doesn't mean I have to check for it; that is reserved for doctors. One of which I am most certainly not.
I dont quite fathom the leap you took there.
Sweet! I love boobs!
Rotting-***** orange doesn't look too good on you.
Mhm. Thats what matters, is it not?
We will if you ever get internet!
Forge Hub - View Profile: Transactionzero
LD is sexy too!
Yours reminds me of my profile.
I was at a movie, sorry.
Cus I'm better than you.
You really needed the filler.