thank you super trooper i'm glad you helped explain what i meant
cool map but i which someone would actually explain how to make doors open your short explanation dosn't tell me how to make it myself, i'll look...
whats up camofo, its stin10 from xbl i'm looking for peps to help me test my new map so if you or anyone else wants to help end me a message. gt...
personaly i love starwars and star wars maps really can't show what starwars is like, thats why there are starwars video games. no disrespect to...
personaly i love starwars and these maps really can't show what starwars is like, thats why there are starwars video games. no disrespect to the...
i am looking for testers and people to help me finish my new map (name pending) i don't have a name for it yet. any way, if your interested then...
i know this sounds stupid but i don't know how to post new threads. i think i have to be given permission or somthing but whatever. i thought this...
of course not. i wonder how many of these anti video game people have actually played a game. just because one psycopath kills someone and happens...