what better way to get a girl then say the worlds going to end tommarow. but seriously. i don't really think anything will happen, and if it...
they are all awsome
wait, are you saying we don't rule the world:eek:
before you read this i have to say. im not trying to spam, just getting input. anyway, i was wondering if anyone on forgehub was in a clan or...
i made my own shipment map. this ones pretty good but i think mines better. im not trying to be cocky or rude but i like mine better. i don't...
its been done before, also you should really learn how to embed pics. but from the one pic i saw it looks better than most paintball maps. 5/10
wow first poster. anyway, i don't need help learning how to forge, i know how. but i was wondering if you needed someone else to run a seperate...
its just that this isn't a completed map. maybe this should go in forge dissucsion or somthing, because it can't really be played on
armories are for lazy people no offense
except for you right
ya i did. its called domain v2 if you can't find it usi9ng the search thing it should only be few pages back on competative maps. ps i just...
first of all i hate bioshock, its confusing and really not that fun. anyway to answer your question, i think oblivion has the best story because...
im not a squeeker, 13 mic yes i don't want some annoying 9 year old playing on his brothers account gt stin10
hey camofo its stin10
thank you very much. i feel the same way
i'm going to explain how to put pics in the right way. go to imageshack.us and also go to your bungie.net profile on a seperate tab. on bungie go...
thanks lieutenant. thats the kind of feedback i like. even if the map isn't for you
what ever. i did my best and i really don't care anymore if you think its sloppy. its fun to play on, and you can't get out. thats all that matters
actually its only set up for ts and ctf. i guess territories or koth would be fun. you guys can add that your self i hope. the origonial is...