I'm sorry but what are you talking about?
Invite me to the FH RPG group! You know I have the game too. I've seen you walking around town with that sonic costume on. lol.
I'm going to be honest about her: Boxxy's high pitched voice makes me want to kill baby seals. She's hot but, Just her voice makes me want to kill...
I told you I'm not allowed on xbox live during the weekdays.
lol. I didn't really have to try all that much. I get noticed a lot more when you have a colored name (That's not warned or banned). lol.
3000 profile visits! So, what will I have you do? lol.
Oh, nothing much. I'm just really bored right now.
There is no way you are going to lose? In case you haven't noticed I am less then a hundred visitor views away from winning. lol.
lol. Don't worry it's gun b k... I'll will be nice and I won't torture you very much.