Who knows... It's a miracle we didn't have to ask Non-colored members to host. I'll see if I need anyone. I basically just let anyone who is a...
Nah, I'm afraid of what could happen if I ask. With all the recent changes who knows what could happen. Strange; Now all the Moderators looks like...
I know I saw... How could they remove the retired staff rank and then change the color of the Moderator rank.
Congrats on loyal? The Hub Pub is such a great place I'm you will enjoy it. Wait what?
That's right! You better not leave me! <3
Warned?!?! What is wrong with Forge Hub these days? Who's the little meany that gave you the Infraction? And when did you remove me off your...
Not you too!!!
Oh well, At least you served your purpose on Forge Hub. But, next time I get on line I don't want to see you a regular member like anyone else. At...
After, careful consideration of the pro's and con's I have decided that it will be a good thing if the new rank was implemented. As it gives a...
Not you too Tex! So many changes I can't handle all of the recent changes. But, I guess I can support you for retiring and becoming a normal...
WTF; Retired?!?! Why did you have to retire? You could have just taken on the Moderator role and fight the spam but no you just had to say your...
Pssh... I wish I had snow days like people living in the north. Where I live it almost never snows. We got lucky last year and got out for a day...
May I ask you who this is that I am about to accept/decline a friend request?
lol. Not really. I guess we could just let it pass like nothing special. But, I don't know what to do. By the way your page reminds me of a very...
I thought about making a thread about our year experience on Forge Hub but, I don't know what to do. I'm sure we can think of something since we...
I'm sorry to say but, it is against the rules to advertise other website. This thread will be locked once a Moderator see's it.
Get ready... Tomorrow is the day we joined Forge Hub! We will turn one year's old on Forge Hub. What shall we do tomorrow? We can't let this...
Although the map name is Sandbox we can infer that it will either be a forging map or just what Bungie will give us: A map that will probably be...
Great... Now my visitor page is boring because no one is leaving me a message. It's been a few days since I got one that I felt like replying...