YouTube - TGIAD Watch now!!!
I just saw the video you made for TGIAD and I am very impressed at the video quality. I now call you the official video capturer of TGIAD! But, I...
lol... I can't say your Sig is not 'interesting'. And I will nether confirm nor deny what I want. If you get what I mean. lol.
Uh, umm... No comment...
I don't know... It's just 'interesting' to see it on the forums. And how it's 'border-line' porn basically. lol.
Only a former Staff member like you could get away with a sig like that. lol. Even if it doesn't show anything bad. ; )
It's really not a big deal to send one Friend request is it? And I name is even in all caps and not a bunch of random letters.
Because your one of my good friends on Forge Hub no matter what people says about you. And I just feel like talking to you sometime.
No... Just sometime I would like to play and talk to you and that is the only way besides Forge Hub.
Ugh... You and your lazyness/procratination... lol. I better get one sometime in the near future. IE; tomorrow...
Yeah; What you said... I also want to play with you on Xbox Live! So... Well, you get the point.
lol... I can't wait to see that video and for me to play with you again. lol.
Congrats? Try to keep yourself out of trouble longer then a week. Anything else new? I'm so happy I don't have any school tomorrow.
I see there...
It's about time you noticed my new avatar... I may change it later if I can find a better one. I don't know. lol. How have you been?
That's cool... Thank God It's Asian Day!!!
Please be sure to edit your post when you post a reply one after another. It would be a shame if you got in a lot of trouble for breaking the...
Just saw your post and I will be honored to join your own TGIAD. I will be sure to join when I get on Xbox.
Please move this thread to Off-Topic. After reading some of the comments it's gotten out of hand.