If you can be so kind and lock this thread. If you are unable to lock it then can you please direct it too a moderator. The question has been...
Hey, I'm going to be needing your TGIF recap since I wasn't able to host. You can just PM me of how the party went and I'll post it in the Hub...
I didn't read the whole thing due to me being lazy... But, It's clear of what the intent was when this was written. A lot of points you put up is...
Perverted? I'm watching the Anime and I never seen anything that looked 'perverted'. lol.
'Suzuka' it's called.
I'm doing well. I've been sick with the flu for the past week but I'm starting to get over it. Right now I'm watching this Anime show on my computer.
Oh hi... How have you been?
By the time I get into U of I you will be long gone. If I'm lucky some of your professors might still remember you. lol. You have to be training...
I thought all the admins got the codes... I'm not doing well in high school right now. So, I guess you could say we are one in the same. Kinda... lol.
Aww, Your so nice... Thank you. lol. But, if you don't mind me asking why did TDF decide to ban himself/get banned? If you don't know the answer...
lol. I knew they would give you one of the codes since your good friends with TDF and possibly one of the most epic member of old Forge Hub. lol....
Ugh! *Facepalm* I can not wait till I get my hands on these maps and it only makes it worse when I know people are playing them right now! Oh, the...
So... I've heard that you were given the chance to see the mythic maps... Oh, how lucky you are... lol.
"You look like a 12 year old prostitute in your myspace pic lul" = Xanon... Wait!... He's a 13 year old prostitute.... Or at least your Profile...
Sorry to hear that Lance, I will be sure to keep him in my prayers. I hope he can get better. Good luck to the both of you.
Oh hi...
Uh, Okay then...
Oh really? Well, I was the orange guy who didn't pick up the missle pod; I know I shot down a banshee and I thought it hit you.
I thought he white guy was you since he/you was spattered by the banshee which I shot with the plasma pistol. lol.