so it's griffball with a backboard?
Me I think that everyone who plays in Humpday should can has recon.
Well, if you beat it on legendary, you are more likely to have skills like finding cover and grenade dodging. This means more wins, and faster...
In the newest build most of the weapon placement is the same, but for the most part quantities are reduced, i.e. only one needler in defense spawn...
yay I have teh most reasonable explanation! I would like to see the saved film of that game, not just the video. That would be the foolproof way...
They were able to change the dictionary pluralization of mongoose from mongooses to mongeese? Wow, Bungie has more clout that I realized.
Her nightmare (she can't tell the different in the dream): X_loG8AQKtY
Re: The Twin Towers I would personally strongly urge a name change. Also, bigger screenshots.
It sounds to me like your having a gametype problem. I would say that you should make sure that neutral assault is the game you want. If you...
I have noticed that when you turn the dam resistance up to 2000%, it just takes a disgustingly long time to kill the player. Perhaps you just...
Wow, that is really cool looking. Mad props.
KAPPY. SMASH. Gah, It happened to me. I was just placing about 20 boxes all interlocked nice and neat. Nothing else on the map. Then WTFBBQ?!?...
Re: Google Sketchup Hmm, This might not be as easy are you think is should be. My experience with 3D modeling is that the process is hard and...
New build up. Thanks for the feedback, it really does help. Changes listed at bottom of first point. Special thanks to BetaWaffle, Shock and...
Ha, that was pretty funny. I like how he just started running around. Ilolled.
I've seen this done before, but this seems like the best attempt I've seen yet. Queued. Edit: broken link is broken. Please fix.
Re: Triple Threat: λ build Furious: don't worry about the first bomb point. It works fine. I am definitely going to move and rebalance the...
Re: Triple Threat: λ build I tried to make this as much about the assault as possible, so I gave each team what I deemed to be sufficient weapons...
The budget isn't the bad part, it's that there isn't enough room between the cliff and the barrier.
Re: Airport and biplane It looks pretty good, but those spools just looks wrong from the front to me... But I like the rest of the plane.