this is waybadass. I'm glad that we are gradually moving away from starwars to star trek. Is the interior complete... or is this just an external...
What I do is think of movies, natural features, or structures that inspire me. That usually does the trick. Otherwise, just pick a gametype,...
D: I would hate to be one of the dude left to pick up the pieces.
Re: The Station: Fight it out in an abandoned train station! Holy crap that looks good. Can you crouch under the train? Also, downloading.
I'm in. GT: Kapura
I really liked the way you put that all together. And I liked the song too... it was very moving.
Wow, that was great. I laughed for like 3 minutes after the video ended. One internet to the makers of this thread, please.
That period tells us at least he still has his dignity. Even though he are teh spammzors.
It sounds pretty interesting, but next time try to have the links before you post. Otherwise it might as well be spam.
lagsnipe ftw? Yeah, that is interesting that you got a kill from a random snipe. Also, I <3 that song.
/facepalm I'm seriously. If you want to play remakes why don't you just go to... Halo 2. Then, you don't waste our time, AND you get to play old...
Ha, that's what you get when people look at your maps. I don't have that problem :D But that made my day.
What? No gay parade video? This is madness!
I'm glad that you got the site up and running. Here are my current maps: Pits Theta Rho and Tao Upsilon Rama II-38 The Grand X Bridge of Blood...
And if you combine the blast with a few choice well placed HIDDEN fusion coils, explosion is enormous.
Mid ship has been done several times before. It's not innovative, and I doubt that a team of people could make a better one than the ones already...
I think he means jump off repeatedly, and see if you find it. It will be just as effective as actually searching.
Haha, oh wow. I laughed at that. The sound of them laughing when the dad came on and started talking... So funny. Your Reward: [IMG]
I had to fight with this problem in my latest map. You can run multiple bomb points, but they aren't in any sequence, and each one can be bombed...
Olla is correct. This isn't a competitive map, nor is it original. Requesting move/lock.