Re: A Huge Covenant Cannon that actually works! Yeah, radio towers would have worked better for legs IMO.
Re: A Huge Covenant Cannon that actually works! That's pretty interesting, but I disagree with the choice of legs. Regardless, downloaded. Also,...
Wow, apparently you don't understand sarcasm. This is old. Ancient, in fact. About 98% of good maps have used this technique at least once. Next...
Yeah, I get that around fences. They just require a bit more rendering methinks.
Recon for certain. What else could they give out?
Forge a map in 24 hours.
Re: Insane/Shock's Star Wars Pack Dewd, the Darth Maul Duel... That would be waybadass, with all of the jumping around on platforms, the shield...
I liked sanctuary a lot. Will give feedback later.
This looks like a really good map. Will DL when get home.
... This hornet thing is basically the god debate then, isn't it? I can't prove it doesn't exist, so you search for proof. And I've looked...
it is VERY important for an aesthetic map thread to have imbeded pics. Instead of the [url=http://codes you have now, use [img] respectively. But...
Probably not. For that, you might put down neutral respawn points around the map. Also note that you could place a respawn area set to the...
Fail link is fail. Could I please have another source?
Wow, this is the first map that I've seen in a long time that looks really well thought out and made. Downloaded. Also, most people who see the...
Haha, oh wow. This was great. I originally didn't want to read this massive wall o text, but it is well worth it I'd like to think that I am a...
I'm seriously, Heed. You are wasting your time. Unless you can give us some sort of objective, verifiable proof, or even a vid of it that runs...
Fair enough :D
Why is pengu waiting for me to to say something? Because he knows I can't resist jiggling man bewb? But seriously, I laughed at how he was like...
I think that you should make it more clear that this aren't your maps, you just compiled them. And than you for including Rama II-38 under the...
From your screenshot, I don't get a really good feel for what this looks like. Try 3-4 more screens and you will get much more feedback.