This is really in poor taste. I believe it takes 23.7 years before this becomes OK.
First, I place walls and boxes. Then 1-2 power weapons. Then more scenery, smaller scenery, weapons, and spawns. And Walla, You have a competitive...
Re: The Coliseum! I remember playing on this a while back, it is really well made, and the class selection works pretty well, even if the boss...
I'm glad to see a goldberg that doesn't use all of the comfy tricks like "immoblies," "Shield doors" and "Man Cannons" which we use in foundry. Sweet.
No. Do them with friends, or by yourself. Turn on 4-5 of the easiest skulls, do it on normal, and you are good to go. PROTIP: Flood don't throw...
There is no Hornet. There is only you. There is no Scarab gun. Only Halo 2. Keep that rhyme in mind/when you are wasting your time
I picked Tan recently because desert camo is waybadass. Unfortunately the selection of browns is limited, but I still think eh is a pretty cool...
I remember N when it was a free flash game. I think it's good that it is getting so much positive attention on the 360.
Re: What Weapon do YOU use the most? SPLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASOOOOOOOOR FTW What other weapon can accurately hit and destroy most vehicles in 3...
Fish bowl fish a teleporter. Yaaaaaaaay.
As great as this is, please keep your discussions of ShellShocked in the ShellShocked discussion thread. request lock.
This could have immense promise, particularly for the people who do the Tower Defense mini games. But before I judge this as useful, I need to...
He probably doesn't have enough weapons for that, but I would love to see it.
I think that maul battle should have at least 3-4 bridges. I realize that this would cause probably a lot more blocking and deathpitting, but the...
This map did not remind me of lockout in the least. I've said before, lockout does not belong in foundry and I'll stick by that position until you...
This map was by far the finest example of city blocks on foundry that I have seen. Good work with the power weapons too. This seems like a pretty...
This map was really fun. the central rocket was win. Also, how did you get the powerups embedded so well in the walls? I need to lern teh secrits...
It looks delicious. Will DL when my internet stops eating dirt
Other ideas: If you've played Knights of the Old Republic (I or II) there were a lot of memorable places there. (Trayus core anyone?)
Irony for great justice But seriously, if your not getting inspired, read a book or watch a movie for a change. Replay old games. Just troll the...