sad_face media center doesn't work on my b wireless connection, but I am going to get g soon :D.
Good job Predicide, I'm glad that someone valued my ideas enough to tell me all the things I did wrong! Just joking. I love the map, and if my...
That is quite spiffy, but I imagine that having so many more dynamic polygons which would interact with the polygons on character models would be...
Make sure that you set the right spawn order on the track points (0, then 1, 2, 3, etc.) and that you have the VIP destination points set to spawn...
Oh, well, now I know what your problem is then. Even if you are playing a one sided assault, the map will still render all of the bomb points and...
I liked the semi secret path up to the sword room in Construct. Very few people seem to know/use it. Contruct has the most hidden secrets, so it ftw.
Just in case you haven't noticed, the game is already released. The soonest your wishful thinking would happen would be the next game they...
Demo Elmo, it seems to me that you need to set the teams. Keep in mind which team you set the bomb spawn and det point to. And you might not have...
Yeay, the onion news podcast is pretty funny stuff. I recomend you all get it.
Wow, that sure is spiffy looking. I'm glad to see that people have discovered that they can make cool big guys in Foundry too. Is there any way to...
Usually, I have a well planned out idea before I start the forge process. Sometimes, I just have a really good Idea, and I see where it evolves...
That looks pretty nice. But does it RROD?
I would think that you could do some of the ship interiors from space battles of BFII. Budget glitch would almost certainly be required. You...
Re: Really good idea for a forge map - Look - o.0 Not all ideas are had by only one person. Except for mine. And don you be taken them! [/joke]...
I tried wrestling with a racetrack on Highground as well. The best way that I could get around it were through the broken bunker to the left, of...
/facepalm I'm seriously, read the first post at least, don't just assume. It's about weapons and vehicles, not the character models. On topic,...
Hey insane, didn't I suggest using the shield doors from the movies? also, I think that single shield doors would look more block-y than the large...
Re: Gesuido V2 Holy crap, that looks waybadass. When my internet comes up at home, I will be sure to download it and leave a review. Also, is it...
I don't think that you should sell FH! ... For under 10k. Canadian.
I dun geddit. Where is the bridge? It also appears that there is a plethora of weapons on the map.