I Downloaded and played it and I really like the geometry. There were just so many ways to manuever that it would be relatively impossible to feel...
Re: Map Designs (Much Cooler Sounding Than 'Ideas') I like the ideas # 2, 4, & 6. Ima see if I can do any of those on non-foundry maps, #4 looks...
I like the ideas, but the execution seems flawed and sloppy. And a ghost at the top? no thanks. I think it has good ideas to have small sections...
For me: Cover, rockets and POWER UPS! I think all good slayer maps have these glowing balls of win.
I've heard of people using custom powerups that severely weaken players and give them indicators, making them great targets.
The flood level in Halo 1. It played out just like a good horror movie. The enemies who you are supposed to be afraid of are afraid of something...
Yeah, that would be sweet. Easier to place objcts, at the very least.
Dude, awesome. That is really nice looking. I can has tri fighter?
That looks really spiffy. Queued.
Yes, we're all aware that lots of people have similar ideas. A pyramid hill has in fact already been done, but what is interesting is seeing...
The story just didn't engage me. And I kept being pwnd in the but by dudes with masks.
I have to say, I am super impressed with the geometry. I can tell you put a lot of time and effort into it, and it looks incredible. But I'm not...